Nacelle Report – Feb 2024

Below is the report published in the February 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in December 2024

Happy New Year!  I guess I should have started last month’s report with this, but I’m sure you’d have read the report before Christmas had even taken place, so that would have been a little previous.

December started with the Reading Toy Run which many branch members either attended or marshalled.  The weather could have been kinder, but it’s winter, what do you expect?

He’s not really Santa, just one of his little helpers!

Mid-month and the Christmas buffet at the BCSA saw nearly 70 members and plus-ones enjoying a great evening together.  The raffle had some tremendous prizes and if you were lucky enough to win, then I’m sure you were well pleased.

The Christmas buffet at the BCSA saw nearly 70 in attendance
Great to see so many members at the buffet, it must be the lure of a free meal!

By the time you read this the Table-top Bring & Buy sale would have taken place, did you snaffle a bargain there? 

However, more importantly, on 13th February the branch AGM will take place and it has to be said that we need more committee members.  So why not put your name forward?  The role that really needs filling is Runs Co-ordinator, so if you’d like to lead any runs, why not have a go?   This could be a role filled by more than 1 person.  I know it would be difficult to outshine Zorro, who has done a fabulous job, but he’s also the Treasurer and needs a little slack cut.  Help and assistance would of course be given in any role, so please consider serving on the committee.  Do I sound like I’m begging?  You betcha!


Nacelle Report – Jan 2024

Below is the report published in the January 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in November 2024

The first evening event of the off-season took place in November at the BCSA with Bob’s annual quiz.  With about 40 participants the quiz was hotly contested, however, the winning team of only 3, Bod, King Graham and Chairman Nick, took top honours. 

The Quiz winners with the spoils: Chairman Nick, Bod & King Graham

Now I don’t know who shouted “Fix”, just because the team contained two committee members.  I can assure all that Bob would not have any truck with shenanigans such as bribery (I’ve tried in the past!). 

Bob’s quiz night and the quizzers arrive at the BCSA

I’m sure a very enjoyable evening was had by all attendees. If you missed it, don’t worry as there will be further events over the winter months.

The next event will be the Table-top Bring & Buy sale at the BCSA on 16th January.  Our branch AGM will take place in February followed by a presentation on “The development of Ducati Racing Machines” by John Bottomley on 6th March.  Finally, it is hoped that Richard Wheadon, Club Machine Registrar will put on a presentation on “Fakes”.  A fascinating and interesting topic, especially if you’re thinking about purchasing a Meriden classic; a date has yet to be set, but let’s hope Richard manages to fit it in.

Even though the weather has taken a turn for the worst, Sunday ride-outs still persist and some mid-week ones too (for those not affected by that filthy four-letter word, work).  This being for members who just can’t get enough of riding their Triumphs, well what else are they for, really…?


Nacelle Report – Dec 2024

Below is the report published in the December 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in October 2024

Winter feels like it’s well on its way since the clocks went back.  However, it’s not all bad news as the Sunday ride-outs are back to normal with the return of our Runs Leader, Collin, fit again after a few weeks out of the saddle.  If only Collin’s bike was in such rude health.  A recent ride-out saw Collin’s bike refuse to start, but with 10 branch members on hand to offer “helpful” advice, he was soon running again.  All he needed was a jump, I know the feeling…

How many Branch members does it take to start a Tiger with a flat battery?

Looking forward through the coming months we have a few events planned and a couple of others in the pipeline.  Firstly, the Christmas Buffet, which will be held on the 19th December, normal venue/time but with delicious food and fabulous raffle prizes.

Next up there’s the annual Table Top Bring & Buy sale on the 16th January.  This is a great opportunity to unload some of those parts, accessories or items of clothing that you’ve been meaning to ditch, but also to buy even more to take home and surprise the other half with!  I’m sure they’ll agree what a bargain purchase you’d made.  Helpful tip: Get there early.

Finally, we have our Branch AGM on the 13th February.  We need more members on the committee, so why not get involved, you may have some good ideas to improve the branch for the membership.  So please, as they say in the good ole USA, “step up to the plate”.


And on the last page of Nacelle, in the 75th Anniversary Year Nacelle Front Cover Competition section was this photo, taken by Collin Fox at our September bike meet.

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary with bikes

Nacelle Report – November 2024

Below is the report published in the November 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in September 2024

With the arrival of September along came the wet stuff, then it rained and when you thought “surely it can’t continue to rain”, it turned to near monsoon conditions with thunder and lightning and the associated flooding.  However, throughout the month we still managed 5 Sunday ride-outs to Avebury, Popham, Petersfield, Bucklebury and Wycombe.  Further, a couple of mid-week trips, one being to Sammy Millers Museum.  Our runs coordinator, Collin, is a bit crook at the moment, so if there is anyone who would like to lead a ride-out please get in touch with Collin and I’m sure he’d help you to arrange.

Armed police attend suspecting Chinese parts fitted to a ’69 Bonneville

So it was with trepidation that we approached the weekend of our Autumn Meet at the BCSA on the last Saturday of September, dreading what the weather might be.  But when the day arrived it was clear blue skies, dry(ish) roads and a warming sun; how the righteous are blessed.

Great weather and a fine collection of bikes at the Autumn Meet

We approximated that over 80 bikes visited with a dozen different manufacturers represented.  The BCSA clubhouse was serving drinks and Natalie’s Catering hot food.  This, apart from on-going Sunday ride-outs, was our last outdoor event of the season and our attention is now looking at Thursday evenings at the BCSA.  The first event being Bob’s Annual Quiz, to be held on 7th November and followed by the Christmas Buffet on 19th December.  In the new year we plan a Table-Top Swap meet, the date of which is yet to be arranged.


Nacelle Report – October 24

Below is the report published in the October 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in August 2024

August was a hectic month for the branch, commencing with the Popham Megameet held on the first weekend. It was a cold night there, but it soon warmed up on Sunday morning, with plenty of members visiting our stand and, as always, promoting the benefits of membership. It’s a great event with a large autojumble and always the opportunity to bump into old friends.

A busy branch stand at the Popham Megameet

The following weekend, we attended the three-day BSB races at Thruxton.  Although dogged by rain when we set up, the races were never affected, and the sun was cracking the flags for the superbike races. The support races had Triumph ST765RS’s and Daytona 660’s in the SuperSport and Sportbike classes respectively, with excellent results in both.  It was a great weekend, which we hope to attend again next year.

Over 80 years of Triumphs in the Swallowfield Arena

For the Bank Holiday, our stand was at the Swallowfield Country Show.  This has a large contingent of classic vehicles on display.  For some obscure reason, our stand is always near the traction engines and I swear I can still smell the smoke from those coal fires that drifted constantly across our stand.  However, with arena processions for the bikes, our members were proud to “show what we brung”.

With ride outs on the Sundays in between the weekend events it was a full on month of Triumph.  Finally, a reminder that we have our Autumn Bike meet at the Burghfield CSA on Saturday September 28th.


Nacelle Report – Sept 24

Below is the report published in the September 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in July 2024

“In the summertime when the weather is high, …”, well we won’t be doing a ton or a ton twenty-five, but the Sunday branch ride-outs have been speeding along many a lane.  So if you’d like to ride with other enthusiasts get in touch with Collin, the Runs Coordinator.

Branch Chair Nick Swain presents the Steve Butcher Trophy to Brice Haines

Our summer barbecue took place in mid-July and thankfully we were blessed with a fine evening.  I hope everyone enjoyed the food, they seemed to as everything was consumed, I promise there’ll be more “long dogs” next year.  With great raffle prizes for a lucky few, the evening concluded with the Steve Butcher Trophy for Best Branch Member’s Bike.  Awarded to Brice Haines and his impressive 1938/39 5T Speed Twin, chosen by the current holder of the trophy, Jim Biggs. 

Calne cruising

The last Saturday of July saw a few branch members cruising off to Calne, Wiltshire, for the “Largest free-to-attend motorcycle event in Europe”.  I had been to this event many years ago, but it’s huge and takes over the whole town (the last time I had seen a town taken over by bikes was the Guzzi centenary celebrations in Mandello Del Lario).  With bands performing, food vendors, trade and club stands dotted around the town it’s a fantastic event.  If you’ve never been put it on your bucket list for next year.

Finally, we’re having a bike-meet at the BCSA on Saturday 28th September.  As usual, all marques and models will be most welcome.


Nacelle Report – August 24

Below is the report published in the August 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in June 2024

By mid-June the sun was appearing more often, which bode well for our Old Motorcycle Gathering.  On the day rain clouds burst over us as we set up, but by late morning the sun broke through and the bikes arrived in droves. 

The bikes start to arrive

I was judging “Best Foreign”, but by far and away the most difficult category to judge was “Best Triumph”.  Poor Bob C had a tough time deciding, but I think he made the right choice and Bruce Lee’s 1972 TR6C took the honours.   Digger was on “Best British” and although there was a mint HRD 1000, he picked Peter Broom’s 1972 Export BSA Rocket 3, 5-speed.   I plumped for a 1975 Kawasaki 900 ZIB, Steve Emery’s pride and joy.  So, it came down to the wire with arguments over B-I-S between us three judges.  But showing no prejudice or favouritism, it went 2 to 1, the HRD just missing out again and Roy Keegan’s 1975 Suzuki RE5 stole top honours.  I don’t think I’d ever seen one running in all my time and this one ran real sweet.  Well done to all who entered and helped make a great show.

The award winners

A Monday evening branch ride-out to Cassington saw us lost in a sea of all makes of motorcycles; a huge event and a “must-go-to” if you’ve never been before.  The last day of June saw the branch at Dr. B’s (Barnardo’s) show in Wokingham which was well attended by our members, despite the rain, we even won Best Club Stand.


Nacelle Report – July 24

Below is the report published in the July2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in May 2024

Well, the riding/polishing/showing season is well underway.  In May six branch members toured the north of England, stopping at Tan Hill Inn, Yorkshire Dales and moving onto Hexham and Penrith.  An unfortunate incident occurred overnight at Tan Hill where our leader’s Tiger was knocked over in the car park where the front brake lever, hand guard and mirror were broken off.  However, with some ingenious repairs Collin was able to continue riding.  The culprit has not been identified yet, but I hope they are hanging their head in shame.  On a positive note, the group spent a fascinating couple of hours at Mike Barry’s motorcycle museum, Scaleby Hill.  If you’re up in Cumbria, check it out.  

Mike Barry’s Motorcycle Museum

While three riders returned home directly, three diverted to the 75th Anniversary celebrations at Shelsey Walsh.  If you weren’t there, you missed a great event and two branch members walked away with prizes.  ‘Best in Show’ went to Greg Wheadon and his fabulous 1965 Thruxton Bonneville; first of its kind off the production line.  ‘Best eighties’ bike went to Jim Biggs with a rare 1983 650 Thunderbird, which he’d ridden there and back.  Congratulations lads, lovely examples. 

Shelsley Walsh Prize Winners

Meanwhile, another group of branch members were in their finest attire for the DGR, visiting White Waltham airfield for tea; well done Graham, Paul, Chris, Tim and his better half for putting on the style. 

Why not check out our website for future events or come along to Club Night where you can view our new regalia range.


Nacelle Report – June 24

Below is the report published in the June 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in April 2024

With unsettled weather disturbing our normal Sunday ride-outs we somehow managed to dodge the showers for our Spring Bike Meet at Burghfield CSA.  I don’t think I’d be over-egging the pudding if I said we had around a hundred bikes present of all marques and vintages.  Bulldog Triumph exhibited the new 400 Speed, a new triple and a “classic” 955 Daytona; a low mileage example from their “previously loved” range. 

Bulldog in attendance

The clubhouse bar was open by 11.00 am along with the new “play café” serving hot food.  If you were there, I hope you enjoyed the chance to meet other like-minded bikers, but if you didn’t, you missed out on a great gathering. 

Motorcycle gathering

Talking of which our Old Motorcycle Gathering will be held on Saturday 22nd June.  There will be prizes for various categories of bikes entered in the show.  The show is however for tax-exempt bikes of all makes, and the other stipulation is that they must be ridden into the show.  It would be great to see as many bikes as possible of all ages at the event. 

Have you noticed the new branch logo?  Apart from the odd negative remark, the Stag and Oak within the TOMCC shield has been well received by the branch members.

Of course, by the time this is published the Shelsley Walsh event will have taken place.  I hope everyone who attended had a great time and the club and its members will go to celebrate our next anniversary.


Nacelle Report – May 24

Below is the report published in the May 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in March 2024

A joint effort this month.

Ton-Up Ted writes:

We had a good turnout for our Thursday night bring and buy sale. We had half a dozen tables laid out with various motorcycling goodies, from books to clothing to exhaust pipes and everything in between. The room was crowded with people browsing, chatting, eating and drinking.

The bring and buy sale at our Thursday club night

We started the month with seven of us riding to Waitrose’s Longstock Farm, where we had scones, clotted cream and jam instead of our usual bacon butties. We then had a mid-week ride to Choppers Café, a Sunday ride to the Iron Bull Roadhouse and then, with the sun shining, 15 joined on a ride to the Honey Street Mill Café. Our Branch stand had its first outing this year at the local MAG show on Easter Sunday.

Bibendum writes:

Meanwhile, here I am in Goa, India, impersonating a beach bum. Having hired an ageing Bullet 500 for transport, I took a slow ride north to the Triumph, Goa, dealer: B.U. Bhandari, in Alto Povorim. Interested to see what the cost of the 400’s would be compared to the UK. OTR prices are a little over half what you’d pay in Blighty.

The Triumph dealer in Goa

The Indian 400cc market is very competitive with Royal Enfield’s Himalayan models and now Harley-Davidson’s 440X at a very similar price to the Triumph’s.

I look forward to a 6 man Berkshire branch tour of the north of England in May, concluding at the Shelsley Walsh 75th celebrations. Maybe see you there…
