The front cover of the February 2025 issue of Nacelle, the Triumph Owners’ Motorcycle Club Magazine, featured a picture of Berkshire Branch Vice Chairman, aka Bibendum, with his well used 2007 Triumph Scrambler taken on a ride-out between Christmas and New Year. The picture was was in stark contrast to typical magazine covers showing shiny bikes. The bike was pretty filthy and Bibendum was dressed like he was going on an arctic expedition. But it did illustrate a point. The Berkshire Branch go on ride-outs throughout the year, even on very cold winter days. There is no pressure to do so. Many of our members only go on rides in warm dry weather and we all probably prefer riding in the summer. But some of us get withdrawal symptoms if we go more than a week or two without going on a ride, so we brave the freezing conditions throughout the winter. In fact, with the right kit on, riding in the cold when its dry is a lot of fun. So if you’re the sort of biker who can’t bear to give up riding just because it’s winter, you’ll feel at home at the Berkshire Branch. Our Club nights continue all year, every Thursday evening as well, whatever the weather, but in the winter most people do come to those in cars. We’re not completely mad !! See the full magazine cover below.