Where we meet
We are the local Branch of the TOMCC serving the Berkshire area. We meet every Thursday night in Burghfield, near Reading, just south of junction 11 of the M4. Details of where we meet can be found here.
How we are run
We are run by a committee elected by the member Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. Details of the current committee can be found here.
Our history
The Branch started in the 1960’s. You can read more about the history of the Branch here
How to stay in touch
We email regular news updates to our members. We also have a Facebook page which you can follow. A report on each months activities is published in the monthly national magazine, Nacelle, which all TOMCC members receive. Past copies of our reports in Nacelle can be found on this website by looking under News/Nacelle Reports in the menu. The events page on this website has the dates of Branch events that are coming up and the Gallery pages are regularly updated with photos of recent events. We have a Whatsapp group that you can join if you want to know about rides to go on. And you can come along on any Thursday clubnight to catch up with other members in person.
Borrowing Branch tools
If you do your own maintenance on your Triumph, then you’ll find fellow Branch members are often a source of useful advice and tips. The Branch also owns a number of specialist tools which Branch members can borrow. See here for more details.
How to become a member
If you want to become a member, you need to join the TOMCC and select Berkshire as the Branch when you do. Click here for information on how to join.