Berkshire Branch offers a tool loan service exclusively to Berkshire Branch members only to help members maintain and restore their cherished machines. The tools are usually specialist tools which are expensive to purchase for one-off use and these may be borrowed for a short period to help with your project. You can send a message to the Tools Registrar by clicking on the button below.
The following list shows the tools that we have available for loan currently but we may be able to source more or find out if a member is willing to loan his personal tool to help out. If the tool is likely to be beneficial to other members in the future, the club may purchase the tool.
The tools are for Meriden and Hinkley models but also for general use. You may be asked to provide a returnable deposit to cover the cost of replacement if the tool is lost or damaged and you will have to collect the tool either at a club night on Thursday or by alternative mutual arrangement. You may also be able to get useful advice and tips drawing on the experience of other club members.
We also now have an ultrasonic cleaning service to offer which is useful for high quality cleaning of engine parts and carburettors especially. To use this service please put in a tool request by email and we will advise the details.
Click on the button below to download the list of branch tools and instructions on how to borrow them and contact details for the Tools Registrar.