Triumph Tiger cub 1955

Entry number 33 in the 2020 Online Old Motorcycle Gathering Show. From Terry.

Same design as the Triumph terrier the only Triumph to be fitted with plunger suspension and very advanced for the day being of unit construction. A later exhaust pipe has been fitted because it has a bracket bolted to the engine mount to give more support which was never fitted originally. It’s also fitted with a solo sprung seat making the ride more comfortable.

Triumph Tiger 80 1939

Bill’s Bike. Entry number 40 in the 2020 Online Old Motorcycle Gathering Show.

Most of this bike was  acquired by my Dad in the 1960’s and had been used for scrambling so was in rather a sorry state. Over the years I managed to find all the parts to put it back into road trim and completed the restoration some 10 years ago. It is a lovely bike to ride with quite good performance and decent brakes for an old-un! Has done great service on VMCC runs over the years.

Triumph T110 – 1960

Nick’s bike. Entry into our 2020 Online Old Motorcycle Gathering.

The bike Nick used to ride as a teenager, restored by him and now regularly ridden on rides with the Branch.

Nick has written an article about his life long ownership of this bike, its history and its restoration. You can read this here

Nick’s bike as it is now
Nick’s bike before he restored it

Triumph TR5T Trophy 1972

Johns’s Bike. An entry to our 2020 Online Old Motorcycle Gathering

From John

This is an ex Royal Signals display team bike.

The bike has gone back home to North Yorks!

The buyer brought his grandad to view the bike, who rode with the display team and was responsible for selling off the bikes originally. He sold the bikes for the Army £100 each.