Bibendum on Nacelle Front Cover

The front cover of the February 2025 issue of Nacelle, the Triumph Owners’ Motorcycle Club Magazine, featured a picture of Berkshire Branch Vice Chairman, aka Bibendum, with his well used 2007 Triumph Scrambler taken on a ride-out between Christmas and New Year. The picture was was in stark contrast to typical magazine covers showing shiny bikes. The bike was pretty filthy and Bibendum was dressed like he was going on an arctic expedition. But it did illustrate a point. The Berkshire Branch go on ride-outs throughout the year, even on very cold winter days. There is no pressure to do so. Many of our members only go on rides in warm dry weather and we all probably prefer riding in the summer. But some of us get withdrawal symptoms if we go more than a week or two without going on a ride, so we brave the freezing conditions throughout the winter. In fact, with the right kit on, riding in the cold when its dry is a lot of fun. So if you’re the sort of biker who can’t bear to give up riding just because it’s winter, you’ll feel at home at the Berkshire Branch. Our Club nights continue all year, every Thursday evening as well, whatever the weather, but in the winter most people do come to those in cars. We’re not completely mad !! See the full magazine cover below.

The front cover of Nacelle with Berkshire Branch Vice Chairman

Machine Registrar – 2025 – Photos

In January 2025, Richard Wheadon, the TOMCC Machine Registrar gave an presentation to the Branch at a Thursday Club Night. Although it was a cold winter evening, around 40 people turned out to hear him talk about his work as TOMCC Machine Registrar. He explained the process for registering an old bike for the first time with the DVLA, such as a “barn find” with an old style log book or an import from abroad. Part of that process is to obtain a certificate from a recognised authority, such as the TOMCC. He also gave some fascinating insights into his work. Lots of people in the audience took advantage to ask him questions and there were further discussions continuing after the formal part of the evening finished. Here are some photos of the event.

Nacelle Report – Feb 2024

Below is the report published in the February 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in December 2024

Happy New Year!  I guess I should have started last month’s report with this, but I’m sure you’d have read the report before Christmas had even taken place, so that would have been a little previous.

December started with the Reading Toy Run which many branch members either attended or marshalled.  The weather could have been kinder, but it’s winter, what do you expect?

He’s not really Santa, just one of his little helpers!

Mid-month and the Christmas buffet at the BCSA saw nearly 70 members and plus-ones enjoying a great evening together.  The raffle had some tremendous prizes and if you were lucky enough to win, then I’m sure you were well pleased.

The Christmas buffet at the BCSA saw nearly 70 in attendance
Great to see so many members at the buffet, it must be the lure of a free meal!

By the time you read this the Table-top Bring & Buy sale would have taken place, did you snaffle a bargain there? 

However, more importantly, on 13th February the branch AGM will take place and it has to be said that we need more committee members.  So why not put your name forward?  The role that really needs filling is Runs Co-ordinator, so if you’d like to lead any runs, why not have a go?   This could be a role filled by more than 1 person.  I know it would be difficult to outshine Zorro, who has done a fabulous job, but he’s also the Treasurer and needs a little slack cut.  Help and assistance would of course be given in any role, so please consider serving on the committee.  Do I sound like I’m begging?  You betcha!


Ride to Court Hill – Jan 25

Our first Sunday ride of the year wasn’t until 19 January because of really bad weather in the first two Sundays of the year. On 19 January it was at least dry, but at 2 degrees above freezing, hardly ideal biking weather. Nevertheless, five hardy members braved the cold for a ride out to the Court Hill Centre and had hot drinks and food when we got there. It felt good to be out on bikes again.

Here are some photos of the ride.

Annual General Meeting 2025

The 2025 Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on:

Thursday 13 February 2025 at 8.30pm

It will be held at the BCSA as part of our weekly club night. The AGM will start at 8.30pm. All Branch members are welcome to come to the meeting where we review the last year, present the accounts, elect a new committee and discuss plans for the coming year. Branch members can vote, ask questions of the current committee, put forward propositions and join in the discussion. This is an opportunity for all Branch members to have a say in the plans for the Branch during the next year.

People standing for the committee must be full members of the Branch and must be nominated by two other full members at any of the Thursday club nights leading up to the AGM on the nomination sheet that is on the notice board by the bar.

Come along and have your say in how the club is run. Consider how you may be able to participate more in club activities. Do you think you might like to be a committee member?

See the following links for more information.

Current Committee Members

Committee Roles

Richard Wheadon – TOMCC Machine Registrar

Richard Wheadon, the TOMCC’s Machine Registrar and a recognised expert on establishing the authenticity and date of old Triumph Motorcycles will be giving a presentation about his work to the TOMCC Berkshire Branch and invited guests on Thursday 30 January 2025, starting at 8pm at the BCSA.

Richard runs the Triumph Motorcycle Dating Service for the TOMCC. If the DVLA does not have records for an old Triumph motorcycle, they will issue an age related registration plate for it if the owner has a certificate from the TOMCC. This means that Richard has dealt with hundreds of application for these certificates over the years and has spotted many examples of “fakes”; bikes that purport to be a model or year that makes them more valuable than they really are. This is a subject which will anyone with an interest in classic motorcycles will find fascinating.

Bring & Buy Sale 2025 – photos

We had a good turn-out for our January evening Bring & Buy sale. There was lots of stuff on sale: motorcycle parts, tools, books and clothing and more than 50 people came along, even though it is was a cold winters evening. There was hot food and drinks as always, an opportunity to chat to other members and the added fun of browsing through the goods on offer and grabbing a bargain.

Here are some photos of the event.

John Bottomley – GP Racing Development

500cc GP Race Bikes in action

John Bottomley will be giving a presentation to the TOMCC Berkshire Branch and invited guests on Thursday 6 March 2025, starting at 8pm at the BCSA.

In his presentation he reviews the 500ccc world championship from 1947 until the introduction of the MotoGP format in 2002 and traces the winning machines and the increase in engine performance.

He shows how Ducati fits into this picture and picks up the academic background of the key Ducati designers and the design aspects they introduced. He concludes with a look at as much of the technical detail as he has gleaned regarding Capirossi’s 2002/3 MotoGP bike.

In addition, he answers the question of why they had to put GPS on the bikes. I didn’t know they had. Did you? Come along and find out.

Ride to Bucklebury – Dec 24

Setting off for the ride

Our last ride of the year was on a cold Sunday morning between Christmas and New Year. Only four hardy Branch members set off for a ride to Bucklebury Farm Cafe. After a cold ride on damp roads, they then got to sit in the cafe in the warm and enjoy a breakfast together. Here are a couple of photos. Well done guys!!

Welcome to 2025

Happy New Year to all our members. We had around 100 activities together last year. Have a look at our Review of 2024  to look back on some of what we got up to during the year. We are planning more fun for next year. Have a look at our Events page to see those that are already confirmed for early 2025 including a Thursday night Bring and Buy Sale and a talk on racing machines. There’s a lot more being planned and we will add them to the events page as they get confirmed. Remember, we continue going on rides throughout the winter and meeting socially every Thursday night. When the weather warms up we expect to have our Lunchtime Bike Meet, our Old Motorcycle Gathering and visit other local shows with the Branch stand and lots of other events like we did this year. Keep on rolling.