For many years our Branch Badge had been a green oval with silver writing showing the Triumph logo from the Meriden era in the centre with the name of the Club and Branch around the outside. During the last few years a number of people in the Branch had started using the Club badge (ie: the black shield) with the word “Berkshire” underneath as an alternative Branch badge.
During 2023 some people in the Branch started talking about having a completely new design for our badge. There was a lot of discussion around a number of different ideas for the new badge. Various designs were produced and shown around at our Thursday night club nights and discussed. A few articles of clothing were printed with various designs, shown on club nights and worn on a few rides. One design emerged as the clear favourite and was presented to the members at the 2024 Branch AGM who voted to adopt it as the new Branch badge.

The new Branch badge incorporates the stag and oak from the Berkshire county flag and the shield and scroll from the TOMCC Club badge with the bottle green and silver colours from the old Branch badge.
The badge has no writing on it other than the TOMCC Club motto (ie:” “nulli secundus”, meaning “second to none”), which is a departure from the old Branch badge, and this was a subject of some discussion. The reason we chose to have no writing on the badge itself is that the badge can be shown adjacent to the name of the Club or Branch in different ways depending on the context. This is not unusual. For example, while some car marques incorporate their name in their badge (eg: Ford) others (eg: Mercedes) do not. Our new badge can be combined with text in different ways to be either portrait or landscape, while on its own it is roughly square (ie: equal width and height).
On our website, on our Facebook page and in Nacelle the badge will be already be adjacent to text that clearly identifies it as the Berkshire Branch of the TOMCC. On clothing, it might appear with the word TOMCC or Berkshire or the Club and Branch names in full. Here are some example below of different ways the badge could appear with writing.