Below is the report published in the January 2024 issue of Nacelle, which covered Branch activities in November 2024
The first evening event of the off-season took place in November at the BCSA with Bob’s annual quiz. With about 40 participants the quiz was hotly contested, however, the winning team of only 3, Bod, King Graham and Chairman Nick, took top honours.

Now I don’t know who shouted “Fix”, just because the team contained two committee members. I can assure all that Bob would not have any truck with shenanigans such as bribery (I’ve tried in the past!).

I’m sure a very enjoyable evening was had by all attendees. If you missed it, don’t worry as there will be further events over the winter months.
The next event will be the Table-top Bring & Buy sale at the BCSA on 16th January. Our branch AGM will take place in February followed by a presentation on “The development of Ducati Racing Machines” by John Bottomley on 6th March. Finally, it is hoped that Richard Wheadon, Club Machine Registrar will put on a presentation on “Fakes”. A fascinating and interesting topic, especially if you’re thinking about purchasing a Meriden classic; a date has yet to be set, but let’s hope Richard manages to fit it in.
Even though the weather has taken a turn for the worst, Sunday ride-outs still persist and some mid-week ones too (for those not affected by that filthy four-letter word, work). This being for members who just can’t get enough of riding their Triumphs, well what else are they for, really…?